About Jaime

If you feel like a lost cause….I get it.

Not long ago I was 40 years old… and I had completed a decade of 12 step programs, in addition to the years of personal work on myself including therapy, dating seminars, all kinds of self help literature, practicing yoga, visiting healers, astrologers, you name it.

Yet it seemed to have made little difference.

I was still desperately single, financially struggling, and stuck in a cycle of unhealthy, unfulfilling relationships.

Deep down I was still angry and frustrated with myself, my upbringing and the world at large.

However, instead of channeling this disappointment into drugs and alcohol (like I might have done in the past), I focused on going on a deeper journey to heal and transform myself. I was DONE chasing healing through external fixes (i.e. getting married, more money, new job) that would not bring the lasting change I wanted.

I dug deeper than ever.

Through combining the best elements from several practices combined with my own divine guidance — I discovered a process that actually gets the roots of our patterning – and healed it. Over the next few years, every single thing holding me back disappeared.

…And AT 42 my soulmate FOUND ME.

At 44 I got married for the first time.

And at 45 I fulfilled a dream I thought was out of reach and I got pregnant by surprise and now I have a beautiful son…

We moved into our dream home in LA..

…And I was led to my soul purpose of sharing this method with the world.

All I had to do was fully apply these insights that were being revealed from within.

Today my mission is to help YOU reclaim your power and free yourself from the patterns that might feel hopeless.

This approach is rooted in the belief that when you focus on finding the root of the pain and the related stories you’ve told yourself, you will be able to change the way you see yourself and the world, thereby changing everything.

The Jaime B Haas method works at a deep level in a way no other method (including therapy) can. Whereas therapy focuses on discussing your challenges, the Jaime B Haas method focuses on extracting the issues and implementing a tangible solution to help you experience transformation. Rather than trying to turn into something you’re not, we work to bring out and align your life with your truest self in order to bring lasting change, authentic love, and a self-empowered life.

She knows how to get people unstuck because she’s been there – and she wants to help all of us experience a radical shift of our own that lasts.



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